
16 唯美音乐精选

016.纯音乐 - 雪花神剑(萧)

Share the most beautiful selected music

15 唯美音乐精选

015.纯音乐 - 高山流水 (古筝)

Share the most beautiful selected music

14 唯美音乐精选

014.纯音乐 - 此情永不移(钢琴)

Share the most beautiful selected music

13 唯美音乐精选

013.纯音乐 - 昨日重现(钢琴)

Share the most beautiful selected music

12 唯美音乐精选

012.和兰花在一起 — 雅尼

Share the most beautiful selected music

11 唯美音乐精选

011.无悔 -李汉颖 (加长版)

Share the most beautiful selected music

10 唯美音乐精选

010.夜曲(很伤感的纯音乐) - 神秘园

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9 唯美音乐精选


Share the most beautiful selected music

8 唯美音乐精选

008.太极 — 纯音乐 (古琴)

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7 唯美音乐精选


Share the most beautiful selected music

6 唯美音乐精选


Share the most beautiful selected music

5 唯美音乐精选

005.心灵雨伞 — 轻音乐

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4 唯美音乐精选

004.天籁之音,荡涤心灵 - 唯美纯音乐

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3 唯美音乐精选


Share the most beautiful selected music

2 唯美音乐精选

002.故乡风景,醉美画卷 - 唯美纯音乐

Share the most beautiful selected music

1 唯美音乐精选


Share the most beautiful selected music

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